MidCoast Council - future plans for delivering services to the community

By bobreid, 29 May, 2022

MidCoast Council has released four draft key documents that guide how it will deliver services to the community.

The purpose of these documents is to guide Council services and show what Council is doing to make the MidCoast a better place to live, work and visit.

The documents set out the path that Council is planning to take to deliver long term improvements, projects and change.

Council is asking for the community to have a look at these documents and tell them whether we think they have missed anything or got something wrong.

The four documents are:

- Community Strategic Plan - this outlines the vision, community objectives and supporting strategies which guide Councils long-term decision making.

- Delivery program - this is a high level plan for the next four years that links annual operational plans to the community's long term goals

- Operational plan and budget - this sets out what Council will do in the 2022-23 financial year, what it will spend and what its fees and income will be

- Resourcing strategy - this sets out how Council has planned its resources (staff, assets, finances and information resources) so it can deliver on its committments to the community.

Council is seeking feedback on these documents until 4:30pm Wednesday 8 June.

You can access the documents and lodge feedback from this link - Future plans

 The most important document is the Community Strategic Plan because everything that Council does is based on it. This document is an update from the 2018 version. It is updated every four years following Council elections.

So if you are going to read any of these documents, start with the Community Strategic Plan and provide feedback on it.




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