MidCoast Council - paper subdivision analysis - draft rural strategy

By bobreid, 9 October, 2022

At its Ordinary Meeting on 28 September 2022 MidCoast Council considered the analysis report on submissions on the paper subdivision section of the draft rural strategy.

Before the meeting at the public forum, four people made verbal submissions to Councillors on the paper subdivision report. Two of these people represented the owner of the private roads in the paper subdivision. The other two were from the non-urban association.

The analysis report contained recommendations for a small number of minor amendments to the paper subdivision report.

In the meeting Councillors approved the analysis report unamimously.

The full analysis report that went to Council contained over 800 pages, so I have extracted the North Arm Cove section from the report and saved it as a seperate (and much smaller) file. You can download this file from the end of this post. 

Interestingly, in their analysis Council staff sought advice from Council's Heritage Adviser on State Significant heritage recognition of the Walter Burley Griffin design for the North Arm Cove subdivision. In their response, the Heritage Adviser stated that heritage listing was not appropriate since there was nothing tangible or interpretable at North Arm Cove, and the plan is a historical archive record kept by a number of organisations including the Land Titles Office, the State Library and MidCoast Council.

The next step is for Council to finalise and adopt the rural strategy, and then commence preparation of the new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) for all of the MidCoast area. I expect that the rural strategy will be finalised and adopted before the end of this year, and the new LEP will take about two to three years to complete and enact. There will be consultation with all landowners on the new LEP before it is finalised.


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