MidCoast Council - reports on Rural Strategy submissions

By bobreid, 10 July, 2022

MidCoast Council has commenced the release of a series of reports on submissions to the draft Rural Strategy, based on common locations or issues.

These reports contain discussions on the submissions, copies of the submissions relevant to the report, and Councils response to the submissions. Names of submitters are redacted under privacy provisions.

Council received a total of 430 submissions, including five from State agency organisations.

The first report was included in the agenda of Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 25 May. This report considered:

  • general submissions on the Draft Rural Strategy,
  • Village zone changes at Bundook, Bunyah, Markwell, Mt George and Newells Creek,
  • Urban release areas in the Rural Strategy, and
  • Rezoning requests.

You can access this report on the following link: - rural strategy submissions first report.

It is expected that these reports will be released over the next few months, with the last one being a report on paper subdivision submissions, most likely in September.

Any rezoning from the Rural Strategy will take some three years to complete, till about mid-2023.

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