The Missing Tree Mystery!

By sirius, 13 August, 2013

Can you help solve it?

Greetings to all at North Arm Cove.

On the 1st February 2013 we became the proud owners of our own slice of Heaven commonly referred to by others as North Arm Cove.
We have never encountered a friendlier, more community conscious village in our lives and cannot wait until the day we can finally retire full-time to this little wonderland.

Unfortunately it was our absolute horror to discover on Saturday morning (10th August 2013) that our potted Lime Tree had somehow grown legs and escaped the confines of our garden.

A Birthday present from Lorraine’s Son, this little tree was awaiting some clearing up to be done at the bottom of the yard before being planted in what would have become its permanent home.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of our walk-about Lime Tree can they please see their way clear to send it home with instructions never to leave the yard again.
The assistance of all would be greatly appreciated.

Ian Honeman & Lorraine Joslyn,
74 Eastslope Way,
North Arm Cove.

Filed under

Oh dear, it's probably gone in the same direction as the long garden hose from the Community Garden, or the BBQ implements from the Hall Pizza Oven and BBQ.  Unfortunately, there seem to be some 'light fingered' occupants of this little slice of heaven.