National Volunteer Week 2021

By janiner, 17 May, 2021

It is Volunteer Week this week.

Across the Mid Coast region there are 16,000 volunteers. 2000 volunteer with the Mid Coast Council. There is a meeting on Thursday in Tea Gardens (the Boat House) for those interested in volunteering in this area. It is run by Midcoast Assist and you can call in for a chat about volunteering and a free coffee. For more details, go to 

We have many volunteers in the Cove. Some you may know about, but many work behind the scenes to benefit both our local area or our society as a whole.

I don't know many of you or what you do so please forgive me if I forget some groups.

Locally we have the Rural Fire Service volunteers, the NACCAi committee and subcommittees, the Hall Committee, the website and facebook administrators, the Garden Group, the Clean Up Australia volunteers, the Tennis Club Committee, the volunteers who mow and maintain the local parks, the Cove Coffee Morning volunteers, the YES group, the Biggest Morning Tea organisers, the Writing Group organisers, the Stitch Group organisers and various exercise class organisers. When we need help around the hall or to clean up Heros Beach for Australia Day, there are people who will lend a helping hand.

There are also people who quietly volunteer their services outside the Cove, whether with Meals on Wheels, local service clubs, church groups and so on or as drivers for the sick and elderly. There are also the people who help with the environment, such as doing the annual Bird Count Week or participating in Landcare or similar organisations. There are those who help with local sporting clubs or local schools or volunteer as Surf Life Savers. The list goes on and on.

So thank you to all our Cove volunteers. We don't know what type of volunteering that many of you do, but your efforts make this society a better place for us all.

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