New Tick Treatments for Dogs

By janiner, 24 August, 2015
Dog on waterfront

Dog on the waterfront

New Tick Treatments for Dogs

North Arm Cove is a tick hot spot so it is important to protect your dogs against ticks. There are some new treatments available that might be worth a try. Some of the currently available treatments which claim to control paralysis ticks include:

  • Bravecto is a chew which lasts for 4 months.
  • Nexgard is a chew which lasts for one month
  • Kiltix is a collar which lasts for 6 weeks
  • Scalibor is another brand of collar which lasts for 3 months
  • Advantix and Frontline are spot ons which last for two weeks

We have used the spot ons for years. Our dog is 12 and we have found two ticks on her in that time. In summer when she occasionally goes in the water, we also use a collar for added protection.

The chews are fairly new products but may be worth a try if your dog is fond of swimming as it can’t wash off. They may also be good if you have young children who like to cuddle the dog. My vet has recommended that we try Bravecto. It is quite expensive so I have bought one dose which I will give to my dog in November and see how we go.

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