Pizza farewell

By kathk, 15 February, 2015

Farewell, Lawrie & Annette

A convivial group of Cove locals gathered under the pergola last Saturday afternoon to farewell Annette & Lawrie Searle. Over the past few years the Searles have been actively involved in many activities in the Cove and their contributions will be missed. Maria Pickles made a presentation to Annette & Lawrie on behalf of the community.

Earlier in the day, Annette took the minutes at the Residents Association for the last time as Secretary. Her valuable contributions to the Cove community through her hard work in this role over the past three years were acknowledged by acclamation and a small gift. Hopefully the Residents Association can find amongst the Cove community a person willing to follow Annette's example and take on the role of Secretary!

Fortunately for us, the Searles are not moving far so they will be to maintain some links back to the Cove. Annette has volunteered to continue to contribute articles to the website and offered to put articles up for others if they send her the information.

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