Reminder - MCC Director to attend 18/5 NACCAi meeting to discuss new LEP

By bobreid, 10 May, 2024
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A reminder, Paul de Szell, who is the Director Liveable Communities for MidCoast Council, together with a senior Council planner, will be attending the next NACCAi meeting and give our community a presentation on the new draft MidCoast Local Environmental Plan (LEP) that is open for community consultation until 14 July.

This draft MidCoast LEP is an important document because it sets out the future zoning and development standards for the MidCoast Council area.

It could result in major changes to development in the non-urban area with the formation of over a hundred environmental living lots, and have a significant impact on North Arm Cove and Carrington village residents.

The LEP presentation will cover:

  • How it was developed
  • What changes are proposed for the North Arm Cove area zoning, including the non-urban area
  • The steps and timing to finalise the LEP
  • The community consultation process and lodging submissions

It will take place at the beginning of the meeting, and we will schedule time for questions and answers after the presentation.

Residents and landowners in the North Arm Cove and Carrington villages, including those who are not NACCAi members, are welcome to attend. So, if you would like to find out about the rezoning changes, come along to the meeting on Saturday 18 May, from 2-4 pm in the Community Centre, and after the meeting stay for a cuppa and a chat.

To help the meeting run smoothly, we are preparing a list of questions for Mr De SZell in advance, so if you have a question that you would like answered, please mail it to by Thursday 16th May.

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