Rural strategy update - non-urban land

By bobreid, 16 May, 2022

This evening I received an email from Alex Macvean, Senior Land Use Planner at MidCoast Council with an update on the rural strategy.

She advised:

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the exhibition period of our Know Your Rural Zone project.

We received 430 submissions on the draft Rural Strategy.

To ensure the matters raised in submissions can be given appropriate consideration, they will be reported to Council over the coming months based on the following common locations, themes or issues:

- General submissions
- Rezoning requests
- Urban Release Areas
- Village zone changes at Bundook, Bunyah, Markwell, Mt George and Newells Creek
- Waterway Zones - zone criteria, land uses and development standards (lot sizes, building height)
- Rural Zones - zone criteria, land uses and development standards (lot sizes, building height)
- Environmental Zones - zone criteria, land uses and development standards (lot sizes, building height)
- Paper subdivisions

Some submissions raise multiple issues and these will be reported under the most relevant heading listed above.

We will notify you when your submission is being reported to Council, so that you can review the report on Council’s website.

Council meetings are also livestreamed for members of the public to view.

When these reports are available we will post them on our website.


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