Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Family Research Group Seminar 21 March 2018

By jennyl, 28 February, 2018

INVITATION to both Members & the General Public to attend our seminar to be held in the Silver Dolphin Room at Tea Gardens Hotel 10am to 4pm on Wednesday 21st March 2018. Cost including pre-ordered lunch is Members $25.00 & Non-members $30 - Our Two Speakers are:

[1] Marilyn Rowan - NSW Birth, Deaths & Marriages Transcription Agent who will talk on "Obtaining a Certificate & Deciphering the Information in relation to family research"....

[2] Jason Reeve from Ancestry's topic will be "Using Ancestry.com for Family History & An Introduction to Ancestry DNA".

A completed Registration form with lunch preference needs to be returned by Monday 12th March.
For a Registration form
EMAIL: teagardensfrg@gmail.com,
phone: Judith Glover 0412956431 or
use the form attached to this article

RAFFLE Tickets $1.00 PRIZE: Ancestry DNA Kit plus 12mths subscription to Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Family Research Group.

Also learn about what we do - chase our ancestors from all over the world not just local families!
"If You Like a Mystery - Do Family History!" - It's great for the brain & fascinating too!

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