U3A Presentations

By sch, 15 August, 2012

The Myall University of the Third Age has a very interesting set of presentations coming up on 17th and 24th August and Sept 14th, entitled “Four Centuries of London Life”. Prepared by John Fitzgerald to coincide with the Olympic games, this is a multi-part multi-media presentation of the working, social and cultural lives of the people of London through four centuries, from 16th to 19th. Many hours of preparation have gone into this, and John has delved into his vast collection of movies, music and recorded documentaries to bring this to us. I can assure you it will grasp your interest.. Also, coming up on 31st Aug is a presentation by Brian Jones entitled “Events That Shaped Australia”, comprising music, song, poetry and narration that helped make our nation what it is today. So if you have an interest in what shaped our national character and identity, this is a presentation not to be missed.

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