Wanted - Men's Shed leader

By bobreid, 7 May, 2023

Over the years the feasibility of a Men’s Shed within the Cove has been discussed within the Cove.

The aim of a Men’s Shed is to provide a space for men to work on their own projects or community projects – with tools and equipment provided – perhaps over a ‘cuppa’ and fruit cake.  It is a Government initiative to support and improve the health and wellbeing of its members.

Men’s Sheds have broad scopes and many are creative and functional woodworking spaces, where men can gather to share and exchange skills, build toys and furniture, perhaps tinker with an old outboard motor, and even discuss their’s and the world’s problems. 

There has been a recent ground swell to push this vision further towards a reality. Earlier this year some 15 NAC residents expressed interest in being part of a Men’s Shed.

To make a North Arm Cove Men’s Shed happen, a keen volunteer is needed to lead a team of interested members on the project.  There is support from Mid Coast Council with a site identified next to our Community Centre.  A neighbouring Men’s Shed group has also offered guidance and support to help the establishment of a North Arm Cove Men’s Shed, and a local resident has very generously offered to donate the frame for the shed.   

If you are interested in leading a group to develop a North Arm Cove Men’s Shed, please contact me (Bob Reid) on president.naccai@gmail.com and I will put you in touch with the interested members.

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