We would like your feedback on the draft North Arm Cove and Carrington local community plan

By bobreid, 14 May, 2022

I am really pleased to advise that the draft of our North Arm Cove and Carrington local community plan has finally been completed and is now released for resident review and feedback.

We are asking North Arm Cove and Carrington residents and landowners to read the plan and give us feedback on it and the initiatives listed in it. The feedback will be used to develop a final version of the plan which will then be submitted to MidCoast Council.

The plan was developed by a steering group of North Arm Cove residents under the guidance of Council officers, and the group endeavoured to make sure that it reflected the needs and desires of the North Arm Cove and Carrington communities, as expressed in the submissions to the Council postcard and online survey in late 2020, and community submissions to Council before then.

The objectives of the plan are to:

- identify and prioritise the needs and desires of the North Arm Cove and Carrington communities,

- inform stakeholders, including MidCoast Council and State and Federal Governments of these needs, desires and priorities,

- be used by Council to include plan initiatives in its management processes, and

- be used to support grant funding applications.

The plan also sets out the roles that the steering group believes Council and our communities should be taking to implement it. 

An awful lot of work went into developing this plan, and we hope that our communities recognise this effort and provide feedback on it.

It is intended that the plan will be regularly reviewed so that it is kept up to date and used by Council, our communities and State and Federal Governments to plan, fund and implement improvements for the North Arm Cove and Carrington communities.

How to access the draft plan

You can download a copy of the draft plan from the bottom of this post, and you can read printed copies of it at Cove Coffee in the North Arm Cove Community Centre.

How to give feedback on the draft plan

To make it easy to give feedback we have prepared a short feedback form to complete. You can download a copy of this form from the bottom of this post. Printed copies of the form are also available at Cove Coffee.

There are three ways you can lodge your completed feedback form:

- scan or photograph it and email it to president.naccai@gmail.com OR
- place it in the feedback box in Cove Coffee OR
- place it in the NACCAi letterbox at the Community Centre.

Can you please provide your feedback by Sunday 12 June 2022.

Many thanks to those who read the plan and provide feedback - it is greatly appreciated.

If you have any queries on the plan or the feedback form, please contact Bob Reid on president.naccai@gmail.com or 0419 475 496.


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