Cove News -Community Supports the Coffee Shop

By mpickles, 5 October, 2020



Over $1000 has been raised with the support of donators for the Coffee Shop.

The funds cover the purchase of a Coffee Machine provided by Cafe Maintenance which has been installed by the generous support of Vince Sosnovec.

The support for the Coffee Shop has been overwhelming with generous donations of funds, time and help.

Jan Walker and John Fisk installled the kitchen which was donated by Vince.

Benchtop provided by Newcastle Benches.

The following residents are recognised for thier contributions as Founding Angels of the NAC Coffee Shop and we look forward to sharing free coffees. Shawna Hartley initiated the fund raiser and managed to collect generous donations with Everbrite and residents also donated in response to the Cove News. 

Shawna Hartley , David and Dora Crawford, Ivy and Brian Stevenson   , John Fisk , Loal Conroy, Emma Moroto,  Jim and Trish Parnell, Angelique, Wilma, Keep Fit group, Irene Cook, Rob Marabito, Robyn Gee, Jane Wang, Elizabeth and Colin Deane, Trish and Alan Woodrow, Maria Pickles.

Trish Parnell is leading a group of volunteers to open the cafe which will be celebrated with a commuinity event soon. Jenny Lam,  Robyn Gee, Karen Gordon and Jan Walker have put up thier hands to learn to make outstanding coffee and set up the service as a volunteer business. We are welcoming new volunteers to this exciting project the first time in years there has been a coffee shop in the Cove.

If you are intersted in making new friends and learning a new skill on the way please contact Trish she will be glad to hear from you.

A few trials will be held with Zumba, Get Fit and other groups so that when we open the coffee will be perfect.










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