Water and Power Upgrade to Community Centre

By mpickles, 14 October, 2020

Submission has been made for a Community Infrastructure Grant from Office of Gambling NSW for Upgrade of North Arm Cove Community Centre electricity with supply of a 3 phase 63kva substation, upgrade of building connections, and 50,000 litre water tank will ensure that the activities and operations of the centre are sustainable.

We need the power and water upgraded to provide enough resources to conduct existing activities and events and also to provide new innovations such as the coffee shop.

Over the last few months we have had an increase in bookings by locals providing classes for residents, yoga, pilates, fitness and Zumba. The hall is now used daily during the week for classes, and also for community services such as counselling.

During the holidays there were more campers using the court area, basket ball area, BBQs and playground, not to mention the toilet.

This means that more water is required particulalry during the drier periods.

The Community Garden continues to have more volunteers and pickers, and we need the water at times for seedlings, and keep perenial plants like the orchard and herbs going.

So we have asked for $ 56875 which is most of the budget for a new substation, new pole and new 50,000 litre water tank.

If we are not sucessful in this round we may consider re-applying in March 2021.

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