When Maureen Kelly left the Cove she kindly left NACCAi with a bag of photos, newspaper clippings and historical information on North Arm Cove.
The following historical black and white photo is one of our beaches. I don't know when it was taken, but it must have been a long time ago since there are no houses in it. Interestingly, the headland had been cleared, apart from a few scattered trees.
Does anyone know which beach this is, and where the photo may have been taken from?
I find these old photos really interesting, especially comparing the past to the present.
If anyone has any old North Arm Cove photos they would like to share on the website, please do so. If you need a hand to do this, such as scanning the photos, contact me at president.naccai@gmail.com for help.
Over the next few weeks, I'll post more of them on the website.