Agenda for NACCAi ordinary general meeting - this Saturday, 17 October 2020

By bobreid, 11 October, 2020

The agenda for this Saturday’s ordinary general meeting is attached to this post. The agenda, and associated papers, have also been emailed to members.

The meeting is being held in the Community Hall from 10am to 12 noon.

There is a lot to cover in the meeting, so we will be assuming members read the agenda and accompanying documents beforehand so we can keep the meeting on time and finish by 12 noon.

If you are intending to come to the meeting, you must let us know beforehand so we can arrange the seating and ensure we comply with the Covid 19 requirements.

Please advise your attendance by sending an email to by Friday evening.

The agenda has been based on feedback by members, we are encouraging engagement and discussion, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hall on Saturday morning.

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