Big Changes for NACRA

By kathk, 14 October, 2018

Last Saturday's NACRA AGM saw big changes with the election of the new NACRA Committee for 2018-19. The retirement of several longer-term committee members provided an opportunity for others to step forward. And step forward they did with enthusiasm. It was great to see that we have within our small community many people willing to volunteer their time  and effort to work in the interests of our Cove community. So many in fact that ballots were required to determine some of the positions. This bodes well for the future of an Association which has served this community for more than five decades.

Retiring President, Gary Sylvaney, after addressing the past year's achievements and some of the future challenges, thanked the out-going committee members, MidCoast Council and State MP Kate Washington for their support. He acknowledged the members of the Association who have been prepared, year-on-year to continue to give it their support. Gary's service to the community was then acknowledged by acclamation.

In the elections that followed, Jim Parnell became President. Jim gave a brief outline of the changing role he saw for the Association with the promise that there would be more details to come. After a ballot, Barry Young was elected Vice President. Maria Pickles will take on the position of Secretary and Lyn McKee that of Treasurer. Gayl Chappell, Andy McNaughton and Trevor Vandenburg will fill the three remaining committee positions.

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