Brief Report NACCAi Meeting Saturday 8 February 2020

By bobreid, 11 February, 2020

This post is a brief summary of what happened at the NACCAi meeting last Saturday 8 February.

The meeting had three parts to it: Forum and survey on the constitution, the Annual General Meeting, and the General Meeting.

Constitution Forum and Survey

The forum commenced with an introduction by President Jim Parnell on how it was going to be run, which was followed by a presentation by Secretary Maria Pickles on the Executive Committee’s views on the geographical area that should be covered by the constitution and the reasons why.

Bob Reid and Doug Kohlhoff then discussed the survey and how to complete it. Twenty-nine members completed the survey, and some members provided good feedback on the survey form and made suggestions for the constitution. Thank you all for completing the survey and the feedback and comments.

We were hoping to tally up the results during the morning tea break but didn’t have time. The new committee reviewed the survey results last night, and I’ll be providing an update on the results and the next steps shortly.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held after the morning tea break.

The minutes from the last AGM were accepted and then President Jim, Treasurer Lyn and Secretary Maria gave reports. President Jim also gave a brief report on behalf of the Fame Cove Subcommittee.

All positions were declared vacant. Since there were only two nominations for office-bearers – Bob Reid for President, and Lyn McKee for Vice-President and Treasurer – there was no need to hold elections and Bob and Lyn were taken to be elected. Tim Nolan and Andy McNaughton were nominated from the floor for committee member positions, and these nominations were accepted and Tim and Andy were also taken to be elected.

The meeting closed at 12 noon.

Minutes for the AGM will be posted shortly.

Ordinary General Meeting

The meeting was chaired by the new President Bob Reid who thanked the outgoing committee (Jim, Maria, Lyn, Gail and Trevor) for their contributions. This committee signed up for 12 months, but had to stay for 18 months due to the delayed AGM, they were two committee members short so they each had to put in a bigger effort, and had two difficult and contentious issues (oysters and the constitution) to deal with. The members then gave a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee.

Bob also thanked Doug Kohlhoff for the great job that he has been doing maintaining and improving the website, and Chris and Lyn McKee for the bottle collection they do each general meeting weekend which generates much needed funds for the Association.  He then spent a few minutes discussing how he saw his role as President and priorities for the next few months, with the main one being getting the constitution finalised. Treasurers and aquaculture reports, correspondence and general business then followed.

The next General Meeting will be on Saturday 4 April 2020 at 10 am, since the normal meeting date would be on Easter Saturday and we didn't think it should be held then.

Minutes of the meeting will be posted shortly.

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