Community Update

By mpickles, 26 November, 2019


Fires close by have revealed some of our vulnerabilities as a community and response to emergencies.

We need more volunteers to help maintain our resources at the Community Hall and surrounds. We also need to identify people who can be Wardens for local clusters of residents, these people can check on neighbours who need assistance. If you are available to help with either  please contact Lorraine Conroy 0414322948.

A busy couple of hours is planned at the Hall for  Saturday 7 December starting at 10.00 am

A presentation of the vision for an eco Village at North Arm Cove will be provided for all residents, and landholders. Tatjana Duric, Renate Tuano and Desim Arch present their concept for eco housing with minimal impact on the environment in North Arm Cove. The original concepts of the Burley Griffin Plan provide a backdrop for the design the group hope to put to NSW Planning Authorities soon. 

All North Arm Cove people welcome to come and participate in the presentation and discussion.

A special meeting will follow to discuss and vote on the adoption of a new constitution and a possible names change for NACRA. The draft constitution has been prepared by a Reference Group - Bob Reid, Doug Kholoff and Lyn McKee, is on this site.

All members are encouraged to read the draft prior to the meeting available on the North Arm Cove website so that discussion can take place. Everyone should be happy with the new proposed constitution for NACRA to move forward. For the special resolutions to pass 75% of votes from voting members need to be yes. If it is not passed or  amendments are proposed we may need to hold another meeting early in 2020. Once the new constitution is adopted the AGM can be held, as present planned for 8 February 2019 and nominations for all positions are welcome. There will be vacancies on the Executive which is a grand service opportunity for community members.

The Community Plan for North Arm Cove is completed with over 72 households and 196 people responding and providing many ideas for the future.  The Community Plan will be available at the Hall from this coming weekend.

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