Defibrillator donations - what a great result!

By bobreid, 27 December, 2020

We now have sufficient donations to go ahead and purchase a defibrillator for the Cove.

A total of 18 families and groups, including the North Arm Cove Stitchgathers, have donated $3,680, with individual donations from $50 to $1,000.

This is a fantastic result, a result that the community can be proud of. It shows what we can achieve when we work together.

We will now go and ahead and purchase the defibrillator, and will work closely with the Community Centre Committee which has offered to locate it at the community hall and organise training on how to use it. We will also prepare a guideline on how to access it in emergency situations. 

I would like to thank all of the donors for their generosity, and the Community Centre Committee for offering to locate it at the hall and for arranging the training.

Some donors did not want to have their names or the details of their donations publicised, so over the next few weeks I am going to contact all donors individually and thank them personally on behalf of the community.

I will provide a detailed update at the next NACCAi meeting in February.


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