Defibrillator update, and CPR and defibrillator training for NAC residents

By bobreid, 28 February, 2021

Firstly, I would like to thank all those North Arm Cove residents who donated money to purchase the defibrillator, and the North Arm Cove Tennis Club which organised a $1,250 grant towards the purchase.

I, and I am sure all of the North Arm Cove community, greatly appreciate your generousity and organising the grant.

The defibrillator has been purchased and installed under the pergola at the Community Centre. It is contained in an alarmed locked steel cabinet with a keypad for access.

Over the next two weeks we will be providing the access code to all North Arm Cove households so that they can easily access it in the event of an emergency.

In the meantime, a notice has been placed above the defibrillator with three phone numbers, and anyone who needs to use the defibrillator in an emergency can call one of them at any time to get the access code. The access code is also available in the hall for hirers if needed.

Using the defibrillator is easy - it is automated and has both voice and visual prompts to provide guidance in using it.

Being able to administer CPR is an important life skill we should all have - you never know, you could use it to save a life one day, or someone else could use it to save your life!

Alan Walker, a North Arm Cove resident and a trained paramedic, has generously volunteered to run two training sessions for North Arm Cove residents on how to provide CPR and use a defibrillator.

These sessions are being held at the Community Centre on Tuesday 9 March and Thursday 11 March, from 7:30pm to about 9:30 pm, and North Arm Cove residents are all invited to attend. There is no charge to attend. Both sessions are the same so you only need to attend one of them

If you would like to attend, can you please email the names of those attending to, by a day beforehand.

If you would like to attend this training but cannot, please let us know by email and we will see if we can organise another session.


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