Draft report on NAC roads and signage

By bobreid, 26 September, 2021

Over the past few months Gary Sylvaney and Seamus Devlin, the NACCAi Roads and Drainage Subcommittee, have inspected the roads in the village and from the village to the highway, and made a series of recommendations on changes to make the roads safer for motorists, pedestrians, bike riders and wildlife.

These recommendations are contained in the attached report titled "North Arm Cove Roads and Signage Report 2021".

The recommendations include:

  • renaming the main access road into the village as North Arm Cove Rd, instead of the existing mix of Somerset Ave, Carrington Rd, Glen Innes Rd, Glencoe Rd, Market Way and Booral St.
  • reducing the speed limit on this road to 70 km/h
  • reducing the speed limit in the village to 40km/h
  • completing the missing section of The Esplanade so it can be used in emergency situations, and to get rid of the existing confusion caused by it being split in the middle
  • making the intersection of the roads to Carrington and North Arm Cove safer by putting in a concrete median strip to stop vehicles heading to the highway from North Arm Cove from cutting the corner
  • improving traffic and street signs.

This report is a draft and we are seeking feedback on it. We would be grateful if residents and landowners could read the report and provide feedback on the recommendations and any suggestions on road related issues that you think need fixing that are not covered in the report.

Please lodge your feedback by emailing it to naccai@northarmcove.nsw.au by Sunday 24 October.

The feedback will be reviewed and then a final version of the report will be prepared for publishing on the website and discussion with MidCoast Council.

Both the drainage study and this roads and traffic report have taken a huge amount of work, and I would like to publicly thank Gary and Seamus for what they have done and their committment to improving our village.

For those of you that don't know, Seamus recently left North Arm Cove for a new abode on the other side of Port Stephens. We hope the move has gone well and he and Denise enjoy living on the other side.



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