Emergency information on the website

By bobreid, 7 March, 2021

You may have noticed a new tab - Emergency Info - on the website.

It is on the right side of the home page, under the log in tab.

When you click on it you will see that it contains links to the emergency information websites that are most applicable to North Arm Cove.

It contains links with information on emergencies in the MidCoast Council area, and a five step guide on preparing a Bushfire Survival Plan; and links to Rural Fire Service (RFS) facts sheets and how to evaluate how fireproof your bushfire plan is.

It also contains phone numbers to emergency services such as the SES and WIRES.

We have put this Emergency Info tab on the website to make it easier for users to access this information.

If there are any other emergency websites that you feel should also be included under this tab, please let us know.


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