Fantastic progress with our defibrillator donations appeal

By bobreid, 24 November, 2020

I am really proud of what our community has donated so far. We are making fantastic progress towards our goal of $3,500.

Donations to date from the community total $2,450, with individual donations ranging from $50 to $1,000.

For those who have made a donation, thank you very much, we appreciate it.

The tennis club has applied for a donation from the Office of Sport, but we donā€™t know if it will be successful.

But we shouldnā€™t have to rely on government grants, and I am hoping that we can raise enough money ourselves. All we need is 10 people donating $100 each, or 20 people donating $50 each, and we will reach our goal.

So please, if you havenā€™t done so already, make a donation, and letā€™s reach our goal without having to rely on the government.

And remember, the life that the defibrillator saves one day might very well be your own, or that of a family member.

You can make a donation by EFT to the NACCAi account:
              BSB: 325 185
              Account number: 38609949
              Account Name: North Arm Cove Community Association Inc
              Write ā€œdefibrillator donationā€ in the description if you can.

Or you can leave a cheque (in an envelope with your name on it please) in the NACCAi letterbox at the community hall.

If you would like to make a cash donation, please contact me and we can work out the arrangements.

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