An Introduction

By sch, 17 August, 2012

The new NACRA committee

Hi everyone.
My name is Stephanie Hunter and I have just been elected President of the North Arm Cove Residents Association. Some of you may remember me from the time I served as the Association's Secretary, some may know me as the Secretary of the NAC Fire Brigade, and yet others as the Publicity Officer for the Myall University of the Third Age.

We have a full committee of seven, with four of the previous year's committee staying on to give continuity and assistance to the new members.

However to achieve outcomes for the community often requires long hours of hard work, so from time to time we will be calling for assistance from persons to serve on sub-committees. If an issue arises that you would like to support, please contact the Committee and volunteer.

The aim of the Association has always been to provide amenities in consultation with the community, in order to enhance the ambiance and well-being of the village and its residents. I and your Committee anticipate co-operating with individuals and other community organisations to achieve the best possible outcomes for the village and its environment. I look forward to meeting you at our next general meeting on 13th Oct. at 10.00am in the Community Cene.

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