MCC Zoning Our Future Project

By mpickles, 5 February, 2020


Mid Coast Council conducted consultations last year with communities as the first stage of developing new planning rules for the Mid Coast. NAC was respresented at the meeting held in Tea Gardens meetings by Maria Pickles. No other residents attended.

Sue Calvin Senior Strategic Planner MCC has sent an email to let us know that they are ready to consult with individuals and the community. Exhibition commenced todayvWednesday 5 February.

Visit our website at to see how the draft strategies and reviews apply to your land, your neighbourhood and across the MidCoast.  You can:

Search your address using the online mapping tool 

Find your nearest drop-in session and come along to discuss your zone with our planning team
Review the documents on exhibition
Tell us what you think

Her team will be hosting drop-in sessions in 11 locations during February and March and we hope to see you there. Don’t forget we are also available to come out and discuss these findings with community groups. Please contact Sue now if you have a group that would be interested in having a presentation.

Submissions close on Thursday 9 April.

Note that the zoning consultation does not included the paper estate in North Arm Cove or at Pindimar and Bundabah.

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