Meet your new committee

By garysylvaney, 3 December, 2017

On behalf of your new 2018 North Arm Cove Residents Association Executive Committee I would like to introduce you to the team for 2018.
President:                    Yours Truly
Vice President:             Bill Moller.
Secretary:                     Susan Carter.
Treasurer:                     Doug Kohlhoff.
Committee Member:    Len Yearsley.
Committee Member:   Trevor Vandenberg.
Committee Member:    Vacant.
The past years have seen significant improvements to the lifestyle and environmental standards of our community, through the actions of generous and committed residents. The Fire Brigade, Community Hall, Tennis Court and most recently the Village Green area being examples of what can be achieved when we work together as a community and are prepared to give a small part of our time for the benefit of all.

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2017 and greet 2018, I ask you to consider how you too can help make a difference to North Arm Cove. Remember, we are a small community village in the far southern area of our Local Government Area, Mid Coast Council, competing for resources amongst many other towns and villages.

In large measure, what we can achieve to make our lives easier and more fulfilled is held very much in our own hands. Our communities actions and commitment demonstrate to Government Departments the importance we place on projects when funding and works are sought to benefit us.

Please remember, for 2018 your NACRA Association will be working for you and your family.
Your assistance by 1). Becoming a financial member of NACRA if not already a member,
                                2). Attending and contributing your thoughts at the bi monthly Saturday am meetings,
                                3).Volunteering a small part of your time to assist either in committees or working
                                     teams such as the need for a Parks and Reserves Group,
will ensure our Community succeeds in maintaining and improving North Arm Cove as a wonderful place to live and families to grow.
Wishing You and Your Families
A Safe and Happy Christmas.
And hope to see you at the Meeting next Saturday and during 2018.

Gary Sylvaney

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