NACCAi Membership fees are now due for FY 2024-25. Membership still remains at $10.00 per person,
Payment details:
Direct Deposit: Beyond Bank Australia
Payee: North Arm Cove Community Association Inc (or as much as will fit!)
BSB: 325-185 Account No: 38609949
Or if you canβt do a direct deposit:
Cash/cheque delivered/sent to: NACCAi
297 The Ridgeway, North Arm Cove 2324
Please place in an envelope and write your name and address on the outside so we know who it is from.
By contributing your $10 each year, you strengthen the Association's position and voice in:
- representing the community's concerns, expectations and needs to government, council and other bodies;
- lobbying the relevant authorities to protect and enhance the unique environment enjoyed by all members of the North Arm Cove community.
- If you have already paid or have paid in advance, please ignore this request