NACRA Special Meeting to vote in a new Constitution and General Meeting 7 December

By mpickles, 15 November, 2019

Notice of Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting of the North Arm Cove Residents Association Inc. is to be held at 10am on Saturday 7 December 2019 at the North Arm Cove Community Hall, the Ridgeway North Arm Cove

The purpose of the meeting is to pass the following two special resolutions:

Special Resolution One

That the existing Constitution and Objects of the North Arm Cove Residents' Association Inc be replaced by the new Constitution and the Objects defined therein that are annexed to this Special Resolution and available on the North Arm Cove website; and

that the new Constitution and Objects take effect from the conclusion of this Special General Meeting pending final approval by the NSW Office of Fair Trading.

Special Resolution Two

That the name of the North Arm Cove Residents' Association Inc be changed to North Arm Cove Community Association Inc, subject to final approval by the NSW Office of Fair Trading.

The proposed new NACRA constitution can be read at:

The following document summarises the changes from the existing NACRA constitution and the current Model Constitution provided by the Department of Fair Trading.

  Please note that, based on the existing constitution, only members who are over 18 years of age, and own property in the North Arm Cove village or have been a resident who has lived in the Village for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, are eligible to vote for these special resolutions.

The new constitution provides for The owner of a property within the urban area (ii) A person whose main residential address is, and has been for the previous six months or more, a dwelling within the urban area. (iii) The owner of a property within the non-urban area.

Voting can be done personally at the meeting, or by proxy using the on-line proxy form accessed at this link This form can only be accessed after a member has logged in to the website. A proxy vote may also be made by printing out the proxy form at this link and mailing it to the Secretary. A printable proxy form is also attached to this email.

Note that completed proxy forms must be received by the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting ie by 10am on Friday 6 December 2019.

General Meeting following the Special Meeting.


Minutes of the last meeting 12 October 2019

Business Arising


Treasurers Report

Special Item : Presentation by the Non Urban Reference Group on the concept of an Eco Village

Special Item : Proposed signage provided by the community for roads, tree protection and non camping areas.

North Arm Cove Community Plan

Fame Cove Reference Group

Aquaculture Reference Group

General Business


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