Nominations for NACCAi Committee, and AGM notice

By bobreid, 13 November, 2020

The NACCAi Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 5 December 2020 at 11.30am at the Community Centre, following the ordinary general meeting.

At the AGM all Committee positions are declared vacant, and elections will be held for the following Committee positions:

  • President
  • Vice-president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Ordinary committee member (3 positions)

Members are invited to nominate for these positions. A nomination form is attached.

If you would like to nominate for a position, please print and complete the nomination form, and email a scanned copy to, or drop it in in the NACCAi letterbox at the Community Centre, by 1 December 2020. 

The present Committee has been in place for only nine months, since the last AGM in February. This has been quite a challenging time since then due to COVID and not being able to hold meetings for much of the year. However it has been a rewarding experience, and we have been making good progress. We have been working on tidying up the Association's administrative systems, improving our finances, and running meetings in an open manner that provides ample time for discussion and debate on Cove issues.

And pleasingly we are starting to get action on some long standing issues, such as fixing up drainage issues and landscaping at Heros Beach.

It would be great to get more members involved in running the Association, and help improve our Cove community and environment. 

So please, think about nominating for a position on the Committee. If you are interested, and would like to know more about what's involved, give me a call on 0419 475 496 for a chat.






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