Prompt Action on Guide Posts by GLC

By sch, 1 February, 2013

Residents will have noticed that improvements have been carried out to "that bend" on North Arm Cove Road, and that a "pot-hole filling" exercise is under way. We have Jamie Condie, Works Engineer, Tea Gardens to thank for this. After concerns were expressed at the December General Meeting of the Residents Association about  the proximity of the guide posts to the tar on this bend, the Committee met with him in mid January to discuss this and other issues such as repair to pot holes on the crest near the 60 kph sign.

This work has been carried out promptly, although unfortunately torrential rain within hours of the work being done undid a lot of the good, which just highlights some of the difficulties faced by Council's road repairers. However I'm sure all will agree that the widening of this deceptively sharp bend is a vast improvement.

The Committee is also meeting with the General Manager and Director, Environment and Planning from GLC next week, and the boat ramp/jetty and roads/drainage will be at the top of the list for discussion. More on that and other things at the General meeting, Feb. 9th.

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