Proposed State Planning Legislation

By sch, 1 December, 2013

The New State Planning Legislation went before the NSW Upper House on Wed. 27th Nov. This Legislation has been extremely controversial, for many reasons. The chief of these is the shift from ESD as its overarching principle, to growth and development; and also the restrictions on individuals and communities to comment or even be informed of developments that may impact on them. In its passage through the Upper House, Labour, the Greens, and Shooters and Fishers parties were succesful in drafting many Amendments, although several significant problems still remain. The Bill passed back to the Lower House, where the Coalition declined to pass it. The Minister, Brad Hazzard, will be re-working the Bill in the next few months, and re-presenting it to Parliament in March.

The Better Planning Network has been campaigning strongly to have this Bill significantly amended to better encompass the rights of individuals protected, along with other issues that it sees as being  of concern  These issiues may be viewed on the Better Planning Network's website ( just type Better Planning Network into the Gooogle bar). I urge all residents to acquaint themselves with this legislation and the concerns expressed about it. Submissions can be made to your local member and the Minister.

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