By BruceKerryHead, 12 October, 2022


Just a reminder that the Ordinary General Meeting and the Annual General .Meeting for NACCAi is to be held in the Community Hall on Saturday 12th November . The Ordinary General Meeting will commence at 2pm, followed at the conclusion around 3.30 pm by the AGM finishing by 4pm  Everyone is welcome, so please attend and express your opinion regarding North Arm Cove.

Tea , Coffee etc will be served after the meeting, so come along and  meet and chat with your neighbours, new and old.

All positions on the Committee will be declared vacant and open to nominations. If you feel you can assist us in the future development in the Cove, please express your interest to Bob Reid . Without the support of the community NACCAi will struggle to exist, so we urge you to assist us now and in the future. Being a Committee member is not too demanding in time, and your assistance can make a difference.

Reminders to unfinancial members will be sent out in the next few days and we hope you will continue to support NACCAi with your ongoing membership

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