Report of October Residents Association Meeting

By sch, 20 October, 2012

Guest speaker at the meeting was Kellie McLeod from Great Lakes Rural Fire Service Control at Tuncurry. She urged people to complete the Bushfire Survival Plan booklet that had been recently delivered to all households in the village. Residents need to complete both the “going early” and “staying to defend” plans as leaving may not be an option in the event of the road being cut very quickly. Emergency notices are broadcast by landline phones, mobiles, ABC Radio and ABC television. Kellie will be conducting a doorknock in a couple of weeks to help people to fill out their plan if they are having difficulty.

Also discussed at the meeting was the re-activation of the Fame Cove sub-committee, as development proposals for that area are once again under consideration. Present proposals include a large 3000sq. metre house (8 bedrooms, 13 car garages), and a jetty for large craft on the eastern shore of the Cove. This proposal is expected to be before Council in 3-4 months.

As we are now faced with printing costs for all meeting material, we need to find ways of reducing the amount of paperwork produced. The Agenda and minutes will be published on the website and members are asked to print out their own copies, as there will only be 4 – 5 copies at the meeting for those who do not have computer access. The use of the overhead projector at the Hall will also be trialled.

The Committee is keen to introduce some form of social activity on a regular basis to enable Covers to meet and mingle. After the Sausage Sizzle on Friday 26th Oct. the committee will make a decision as to how often to proceed with these.



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