Reports for NACRA Meeting

By sch, 11 October, 2012

13th October 10am


NACRA Income to 30 Sep   Expenditure to 30 Sep  
Member subscriptions 390.00   Hall hire 96.00  
Website sponsorship 30.00   Fair trading 51.00  
Interest 0.45        
Total Income 420.45   Total Expend. 147.00  
Balances As at 30 June   To 30 Sep    
NACRA 2713.95   2987.40    
Friends of Fame Cove 775.22   775.22    
Petty Cash 9.55        
Total 3498.72   3762.62   53
Credit Union 3429.62   3808.62   financial
Awaiting deposit 59.55   50   members at
Less unpres chqs     -96   10 Oct 2012
Total 3489.17   3762.62    

Firewise (Len Yearsley)

The Firewise Sub Committee has distributed 300 copies of the Bushfire Survival Plan booklet to all residences with letterboxes in NAC. Special thanks to Stephanie Hunter, Doug Kohlhoff, Barry Young for their part in letter-boxing.

Inspector Darrin Briggs RFS is unable to attend this meeting due to bushfire responsibility presently in the Gloucester area but Kellie McLeod will address this meeting to enable residents to address any particular concerns they have with this fire season preparation and planning.

Fame Cove/North Arm Cove Development (Len Yearsley)

Glenn Handford General Manager GLC has notified NACRA that development proposals are again under consideration. GLC has proposed to act as a consultant in the preparation of a Strategic Plan for the site bounding the Eastern Shoreline of NAC and including Fame Cove. Their appointment not yet confirmed by the developer and all necessary studies have not yet been undertaken. Present proposals include:

  1. Large building (described as house) 3000 sq. meter 8 bedroom 13 car garages, staff accommodation, hilltop, ridgeline location at entry to NAC .

  2. Jetty for large private craft on eastern shoreline NAC.

It is expected the above will be before Council in 3/4 months as Stage 1.

Other elements not yet confirmed but in consideration by developer:

  1. Subdivision : “Bayside Residential” was 60 lots , last stated as 200 lots along Eastern shoreline NAC. Council aim to maximise yield and protect environmentally sensitive areas.

  2. Eco Tourist : facility on ridge south end NAC.

  3. Golf Course : south east of Bundabah.

Already the developer prosecuted and fined in April for poor environmental practices on this site in Land and Environment Court. Glenn Handford has made assurances that the community now including NAC are to be involved and consulted as planning for the development proceeds with the aim of trading off development with conservation offsets. The Fame Cove/North Arm Cove sub Committee has reconvened its aim is to minimise any impacts on NAC and Fame Cove.

Boat Ramp and Water Access Report (Stephanie Hunter)

Since the August General Meeting, we have confirmed that a group called the North Arm Cove Community Support Group met with Cr. Len Roberts and as a result he put a successful motion to the August Council meeting that an investigation be conducted into the suitability of Medina Bay as a location for a boat ramp. Council will now call for tenders to have the appropriate surveys carriedout. We have no further information as there has been no communication to NACRA from either GLC on this subject, or from the Community Support Group.

Web Site (Doug Kohlhoff)

The number of hits on our website continues to climb. Around 380 different computers accessed our site during the past month usually on multiple occasions. There have been at least 25 new informative articles since our last meeting plus many other items. The on-line Community Bulletin board is now ready for use. The RFS fire danger levels and bans are now displayed on the site home page.


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