RFS AIDER Program - To Assist Infirm Disabled and Elderly

By sch, 29 March, 2014

The following information may be of interest and assistance to North Arm Cove residents:

Helping aged and disabled residents

TImage removed.he NSW Rural Fire Service AIDER Programme (Assist Infirm Disabled and Elderly Residents) is a one-off free service, supporting vulnerable residents to live more safely and confidently in their home on bush fire prone land.

AIDER services can be provided to vulnerable people who have limited domestic support available from family, relatives, friends or other services. This could include older people, people with disabling conditions and people who are already receiving community assistance and services.

AIDER work is one-off and includes such things as clearing gutters, thinning vegetation, removing leaf and tree debris, trimming branches from around and overhanging the home, mowing or slashing long grass.

To get more information on the AIDER Programme, call (02) 8741 4955 or email aider@rfs.nsw.gov.au.


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