Southern Area Reference Group Update

By mpickles, 1 November, 2019


Outcomes of the SRG Meeting 1 November

The following requests for works and improvements are reported here: New requests made on behalf of community members are:

  1. Preparation for Bushfire Season - Maintenance of trails. Requests on behalf of residents have been made to Council. The Requests have been made previously through RFS however have not been completed. A letter has been sent to Len Roberts for follow up.
  2. Preparation for Holiday Season - 3 additional bins for each of Yellow, Green and Red from 14 Dec to 31 January and how to sort garbage signs if available.

The SRG will be working on a strategic planning process with the aim of elevating improvements and works in the Southern Area of Council. Some of the areas identified for a plan are garbage, locality signage, amenities, beautification, parking, communication, lighting, Strategy for the Elderly, children's services, cultural and artistic projects, recreation and children's services. The Community Engagement team will meet with the SRG in December.

NACRA and the Hall Committee will be using feedback from the recent community survey to identify priorities and issues raised at Nacra meetings ready for the MCC  Community Consultation at Tea Gardens Thursday 5 December 6 pm. The results of the survey and draft plan will be posted this week. The plan will also include issues raised for lighting and a review of the drainage plan for Promontory way.

Tree Felling: The issues of tree felling has been raised at every meeting. Council has issued the Framework for the Greening Strategy and will consult with communities over the year. Signage informing visitors and residents of the still current tree preservation orders is not available. 

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