Update on 13 February NACCAi meeting and NACCAi Committee changes

By bobreid, 17 January, 2021

This post is an update for the North Arm Cove community on a change in time for the next NACCAi meeting, and recent changes to the NACCAi Committee, as follows:

13 February 2021 Ordinary General Meeting – time change and agenda items

This meeting will now be held from 2pm to 4pm at the Community Centre on Saturday 13 February, instead of the scheduled 10am to 12noon on this day.

The reason for this change is that the Community Centre Committee has decided to operate the Cove Coffee shop in the community centre on Saturday mornings, and it would be too disruptive and noisy to hold the NACCAi meeting at the same time.

During this meeting we will discuss what is the preferred time and day for future meetings.

The Committee will send out the agenda for this meeting about a week beforehand. If there are any specific items you would like to put on the agenda, please email them to naccai@northarmcove.nsw.au by Thursday 4 February.

All North Arm Cove residents are welcome to attend NACCAi meetings, even if they are not members of the association. So if you would like to find out about what's happening in your community, please come along to our meetings.

The agenda will be posted on the website about a week beforehand.

Committee update

At the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 5 December 2020 the results for the Committee elections were as follows:

  President – Bob Reid
  Vice President – no nomination
  Secretary – no nomination
  Treasurer – no nomination
  Committee members – Tim Nolan, Andy McNaughton, Sylvia Marino

Since it is not viable for the association to continue with only one office-bearer, it was decided to hold a Special General Meeting instead of an ordinary general meeting on 13 February to decide the future of the association. Notice of this meeting was to be sent to members in early January.

However, at the Committee meeting held on 2 January 2021, Andy McNaughton and Sylvia Marino volunteered to take on office-bearer roles, and Andy was appointed as Secretary and Sylvia was appointed as Treasurer under the casual vacancy provisions in our constitution.

I thank Andy and Sylvia very much for stepping up to the plate and helping out. It is much appreciated.

This means that the NACCAi Committee is now:
  President – Bob Reid
  Vice President – vacant
  Secretary – Andy McNaughton
  Treasurer – Sylvia Marino
  Committee members – Tim Nolan, two vacant positions

This means that we now do not need to hold the Special General Meeting on 13 February, and will be holding just the ordinary general meeting as discussed in the first point.

Being a Committee member is not an onerous or time consuming task, and on average would not require more that one or two hours a week. Over the past year we have streamlined and simplified things to make it as easy as possible for Committee members. It is a great opportunity to help your community, and this year should be particularly interesting with the development of the North Arm Cove and Carrington Local Community Plan which is being done in conjunction with MidCoast Council.

So if you are interested in joining the Committee and helping out your community please give me a call.

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be posted on the website in a few weeks.


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