Withdrawal of Special Resolution

By Jim Parnell, 27 January, 2020

The Special Resolution for the new constitution for NACCAi that was scheduled to be voted on at at 10am on Saturday 8 February has been withdrawn.

I have done this because there has been quite a deal of community discussion and concern regarding some of the clauses in that draft. I decided that the best approach was to withdraw the Special Resolution and instead use the time allocated to hold a forum to discuss what members would like to see in the new constitution.

We will be seeking to get agreement on the key aspects that should be included in it and a new constitution will be drafted for consideration at another special meeting later in the year. 

There is no point in going ahead with a special resolution if there is confusion and concern amongst the members as mentioned earlier and the likelihood that new proposed constitution will not be voted in.

Following the Forum there will a short break for morning tea and then the AGM and an Ordinary General Meeting will be held.

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