The North Arm Cove landing strip!

By bobreid, 4 January, 2024

As well as being a great place for boating, North Arm Cove is now being used for landing seaplanes and aerial acrobatics.

In mid-November a small single engined seaplane was using our waterway for practising landings and take-offs. It did a number of these in the middle of the Cove. Luckily I managed to get a few long distance photos of it.

And then yesterday a single engined plane was doing aerial acrobatics right above the Cove - flying low up the Cove and doing quite a few loop the loops and sideways slides. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera handy to take a photo.

The sea plane was back again this morning - landing and taking off then flying off to the south quite low just above the water, quite close to some people tubing behind a jetski. It would have been quite a sight for the people on the tube!



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