General meeting November 2014

By trishp, 15 December, 2014

Tennis Club

North Arm Cove Tennis Club Minutes of General Meeting Held at Tennis Court on Saturday 29 November 2014 at 10.10 am

Present: P Chappelow (President);  S Chappelow (Public Officer);  K Duffey (Vice President);   T Peters (Treasurer);  C Duffey & N Hall (Committee Members);  M Craig

Apologies:  S Carter (Secretary);  T Hann;  P Brennan Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the General Meeting dated 21 June 2014 were read, accepted as an accurate record  and adopted.

Moved          T Peters                Seconded                S Chappelow                           Carried

Business Arising:

Phone Roster:             
Duffeys            December                      
T Peters           January 2015
Duffeys            February  2015/April 2015
T Peters           March 2015
Chappelows    May 2015

Correspondence In:

Invitation from Tennis NSW to the Apia International sent to President of the North Arm Cove Tennis Club.
P Chappelow, President of the North Arm Cove Tennis Club, will check with Melissa at Tennis NSW to see if someone else could attend.

Correspondence Out:

P Chappelow to draft a letter to Great Lakes Council’s Manager of Parks & Recreation, Mr Andrew Staniland.
This letter is requesting that Council clear the area between the court and the road.  It also includes removal of a large tree which could shed limbs at any time onto the court or the carpark area underneath;  blossoms are a hazard on the court surface as well.  P Chappelow intends to erect a sign on the tree to warn people against parking under it.

Treasurer’s Report:

Working A/c                                                    $  1,929.82
Plus Term Deposit                                           $  9,000.00
Plus Petty Cash                                               $       22.50

Grand Total                                                     $10,952.32

Moved             T Peters                    Seconded        S Chappelow           Carried

T Peters reported that we now have 27 members.  Boddingtons plan to renew in December.  M McDonald has renewed and R Zielke hopefully will do so shortly.

Playground Proposal Update:  Not sure at this stage what is happening re this proposal.

Copy of Insurance Certificate:  This was sent to everyone and T Peters will email a copy to Great Lakes Council.

Governance Check List:

The court lease has been paid.
Tennis NSW cheque has been drawn and we have our certificate.

Advising Tennis NSW of any non-members is still undertaken by the Public Officer.  T Peters has kindly offered to print Record of Play plus other forms and will be reimbursed by the Club for her efforts.

Xmas BBQ:

The Xmas BBQ is set down for Saturday 6 December 2014.  S Chappelow plans to cater for approx. 24 people and has reported that 18 are confirmed.  The Club is supplying chicken, sausages and bread rolls.  Attendees have been requested to bring either a salad or a sweet to share.

Wedding – 21 March 2015:

Presh would like to know the cost of lights only for 5 hours;  no tennis to be played on the Saturday (after Saturday social game has ended at 11 am) but they plan to play tennis on the Sunday.  P Chappelow proposed that they pay normal rates on Sunday but pay for lights only on the Saturday and a deposit of $20.00 has been considered for their use on this occasion.  The court will be locked for the afternoon and into the evening.  They need to supply a list of all players on the court for Sunday.  T Peters will supply the code for entry on the Sunday morning and P Chappelow will write a letter to Presh explaining all of these details.

If anyone rings to book the court on the Saturday afternoon and cannot play due to the  wedding arrangements, Presh will need to reimburse the Club for loss of income.

General Business:

N Hall suggested that hessian or shadecloth could be installed around the sides of the court approximately 1/3rd of a metre high.  P Chappelow will look into this, measure up and check with Bunnings.  Hopefully, by doing this, the leaves blowing onto the court will be kept to a minimum.

Objectives for 2015:

A suggestion was made to allow Great Lakes Council to look after the court.  P Chappelow feels we are managing well with the present Committee.

T Peters would like to put a motion forward re contacting Hunter Quarries concerning supplying concrete for a slab extension of the basketball area.  Great Lakes Council would need to be consulted first re this issue.

Moved                        T Peters                       Seconded       N Hall                                      Carried

There was talk about extending the shelter and covering in the sides with a roller door at the front.

No mention was made of the proposed Coaching Day which was discussed earlier in the year.

The meeting was declared closed at 11.15 am.

The next meeting will be held 18 April 2015.

Submitted:  Carol Duffey.

Approved as a true and correct record.


Chair                                                                                                                Date




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