Pizza nights and minutes of meetings

By peterf, 5 May, 2017

The tennis club isn’t just about on-court play. We also like to get together socially for a pizza night at the community centre. At a general meeting on April 27 (see minutes below) the members decided that for the rest of the year it would be scheduled, when possible, for the first Saturday of the month, starting on May 6th. This was a great success. It also provided the opportunity for the club to hold another general meeting (see minutes below) to deal with several matters from the previous meeting.  No decision has been made as yet whether to hold the next pizza night in June or July. 

You can read the minutes of the last two general meetings below.


Held outside the court at 5.10 pm on Saturday, 6 May 2017



PRESENT:  J and S Carter, P and U Freeman, T Hann, P and S Anderson, K and C Duffey, D and J McGloin,  P Brennan,

plus two non-Members.

APOLOGIES:  P and S Chappelow


In the absence of the President, the Vice-President, Ken Duffey, took the chair.


MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING of Saturday, 29 April 2017were confirmed as an accurate record and adopted.

Moved:  Sue Anderson                                           Seconded   Peter Freeman                                           CARRIED


MATTERS ARISING – the following were discussed and agreed to

Blue-Tick phone – Today, Peter and Sandy picked up a phone on loan from Telstra until Tuesday.  Reception will be trialled in different parts of the Cove and if satisfactory, this type of phone will be purchased.





Sue Anderson reported that the term deposit is now $1162.58 and on 18 February was reinvested for six months.


There was discussion about the need to top up the Term Deposit so that we have some funds to contribute to Council when the court needs resurfacing.  Ken Duffey explained it is our custom to keep in our working account sufficient funds for the algae spray (Kenocide), net maintenance and insurance and invest the rest.


Sue further reported that she had obtained the forms necessary to initiate a change of signatories.  Ken will complete the form by 30 June when his resignation takes effect.




The successful restart of Saturday tennis was noted – with six players.  It was agreed that on 27 May, the start time would move to 9 am.  This avoids a clash with the Biggest Morning Tea on 20 May.


Next General/Committee meeting – tba


The Vice-President declared the meeting closed at 5.30 pm. 

Submitted:  Susan Carter


Approved as a true and correct record.




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Held outside the court at 10 am on Saturday, 29 April 2017



PRESENT:  J and S Carter, P and S Chappelow, P Freeman, T Hann, P and S Anderson, K and C Duffey, D and J McGloin, M Craig


APOLOGIES:  P Brennan, K Lyall, R Cairney, U Freeman


MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING of 15 October 2016 were confirmed as an accurate record and adopted.

Moved:  Sue Anderson                                           Seconded   Peter Freeman                                           CARRIED


MATTERS ARISING – the following were discussed and agreed to

Algae spray – Peter C to do when appropriate

Council lease – Peter C has contacted Council twice and is still waiting to hear their new arrangements.

Chalkboard sign – Peter C to complete

Saturday social tennis – to restart in June to gauge interest.

Court screens – Peter C to continue investigation – cost about $150 for each end to lessen problems with shadows

Try Tennis leaflet – Peter to do when appropriate

Pizza nights – Changing to First Saturday starting 6 May, unless there is a conflicting hall booking.  5pm start.  Peter Freeman to organise cleaning the area etc from 4.30.  1 July to be farewell to Duffeys.



From Maureen Kelly – thank you for $200 donation to NAC Community Centre Management Committee 17/10/16

From Kate Washington – Re successful grant application ($12 072) for practice court and multi-use facility 10/4/17

To Olympic Fencing – Purchase order -$7095.00 - supply labour, equipment ,materials for practice court 24/4/17

To David Read Enterprises $4818.00 – supply labour, equipment, materials for concrete extension 10/4/17

To/From Tennis Australia – emails re Working with children  6/3/17, 8/3/17,21/4/17, 27/4/17.


Moved:  Sue Anderson                                           Seconded   Sandy Chappelow                                     CARRIED

That Correspondence be accepted.


TREASURER’S REPORT   July 2016 to 29 April 2017


Opening Balance                                                                                          1851.46



Court Hire                                                                   1004.00

Levies                                                                            168.00

Membership                                                                  960.00

Donations                                                                      132.00


                                                Total                            2264.00                                                                        



Petty cash                                                                   150.00

Christmas party                                                          133.19

Chairs                                                                             59.20

Fees/levies                                                                     68.45

Hall committee                                                            200.00


                                                Total                            610.84




Grant Office of Sport                                                12072.00                      


Fencing deposit                                                           2128.50


Closing Balance                                                                                            13448.12



Purchase orders have been prepared as follows


Olympic Fencing                                                         7095.00

David read Enterprises                                               4818.00  leaving $1535.12


Petty cash       $5.50


Term Deposit   10924.90  (need to check with bank)



Moved  Sue Anderson                                             Seconded  Peter Freeman                                                            CARRIED

That the financial report be accepted


New Signatory – It was agreed the Club would need to remove Ken Duffey because he is relocating, and include Susan Carter.


MEMBERSHIP REPORT  Sandy reported that we have 28 members with Tennis Oz, which includes social members, 22 family 6 single members.  There are four new family memberships. Membership renewals invitation to be letter-box dropped in June.

Sandy also mentioned the death of Fran Long, a regular hirer of the court and a very good tennis player, and acknowledged the relocation to Goondallaba of Ken and Carol Duffey.  They have been part of the Club since it was formed in 2008.  Ken served as President and Vice-President achieving a Tennis Shelter for the Club.  And Carol has continually been a committee member, Secretary for some time and a booking officer.  They will be missed by us all.




Multi-use facility project update – work on the rebound court and relocation of the basketball hoop is to start on Monday, 1 May.  Volunteers from the Club were asked to be present where possible.  There was concern that balls could damage the cars parked in the proposed carpark on the western boundary of the community site.  A notice is to advise that only tennis balls are to be used for cricket practice. 


Child Protection policy – after much discussion, it was agreed that Susan Carter be the Working with Children Officer and all committee members would obtain a WWC number by 8 July.


Tennis phone roster – it was agreed to replace the tennis phone with a Blue Tick phone and retain the current booking system.  May – Carol, June – Sandy, July – Sue A, August – Susan, September – Sue A, October – Sandy.


2017/2018 Committee – Ken and Carol resigned effective 30 June 2017.  Mandy and Julie expressed interest in joining the committee.  Pete and Sandy, Sue, Susan and Peter F expressed their willingness to stand again.   Peter Freeman volunteered to update the Cove Website and maintain interest and information.


 Departure of the Duffeys -  the Duffeys are to be farewelled at the regular pizza night on 1 July with contributions from the Thursday and Friday groups. 


Saturday tennis is to be refloated – starting 6 May.  Peter F to announce through the website.


AGM date Saturday, 7 October 


Next General/Committee meeting – 6 May at 5.00 pm.


The President declared the meeting closed at 11.50 am. 

Submitted:  Susan Carter


Approved as a true and correct record.




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