Saturday social tennis restarts

By peterf, 30 April, 2017

After a few months in hibernation Satuday social tennis restarted on May 6. It currently runs from 8am to 10am but will move back to 9am to 11am as winter nears. The plan is to make tennis available each Saturday, depending on player interest.Tennis in the Cove is a very relaxed affair and caters mainly for those who would just like to play a bit of relaxed mixed doubles. Winning is definitely not the mainobjective. Rather it is a great way to get out in the fresh air and meet other residents. It is also very cheap with court hire of just $4 an hour for members. That's a total of $8 for two hours, which means the cost per member for two hours of doubles is just $2. If a non-member plays he or she will pay the same for court hire but will also pay an insurance levy of $2 an hour - still just $6 for two hours of tennis. If you aren't a member you can join. It costs just $20 a year for a single membership and $40 for a family, which covers grandchildren. So come along and give it a try.

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