Tennis News July

By peterc, 26 June, 2013

Regulars will have noted the completion of paving around our new β€œOpera House” weather shelter. The paving provides more sealed floor area to the shelter and prevents gravel ending up on the court surface.

Two new members were welcomed recently – Georgina from Karuah and Alex from Promontory Way. Alex had never played tennis at all but is going well with some help from our other players. New players are always welcome – NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!

Annual membership fees are now due: $40 Family and $20 Single – pay by cheque or cash to Kerrian Griffin (Tel 49973072). Very good value for a year of unlimited tennis!

The AGM is now scheduled for SAT 31 AUGUST. Please consider contributing to Cove life and having fun at the same time! Nominations to Secretary Susan Carter (Tel 49973395)

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