By peterc, 10 July, 2014

Wet and cold weather is with us again but we are past the solstice so things must improve! Still, a few hardy souls have continued playing and find that they warm up and burn off a few winter calories in quick time.

The court area has been mowed and weeded and the court surface spryed for algae, which builds up in the winter months.

 We are often asked by people who have never played tennis how they can start. Very simple - come along to one of our Saturday or Monday social tennis mornings (9-11 am), borrow one of the Club racquets and join in. Some might prefer to have some practice or coaching before hand and the court can be hired privately for an hour or so to do this.

A member will provide some basic instruction at no cost to get you started. and the practice wall is available to all at any time at no cost. We have a number of players who started from scratch and are now competent social players with an improved level of fitness and health.


1 membership renewals are now due - $40 family (includes kids, grandkids and their partners) , $20 single

2 the AGM is on Saturday 12 July 1100 at the Hall BBQ area.

Peter Chappelow


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