By peterc, 21 May, 2014


As an incorporated entity the Club is required to hold at least three General Meetings per year, the next being scheduled for 1100 on Saturday 21 June, at the Community Centre outdoor area.

The Annual general meeting will be held on Saturday 12 July, with the usual rush to fill Committee positions expected! However, the Club does take time and money to function so any prospective committee members are most welcome to join us in running a great facility for the Cove and holiday visitors.

We have just received our insurance invoice from Tennis NSW - a cool $650 pa!, reminding us all that NACTC membership fees will be due on 30 June. We plan to email all current members later next month.

Recently, a very experienced tennis player who has played tournaments Australia-wide, commented that we had a very true and fair playing surface, proven by the fact that we get no puddling and are able to play within 12 hours of heavy rain.

Finally, it is great to see that Trish Peters has recovered from a major back operation and playing so well, with a deceptive range of strokes and improved agility. Well done Trish!

Peter Chappelow


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