By Loal Conroy, 10 September, 2019

Anyone with (or without) a dog welcome to join locals and their pooches approximately once a month for a social gathering / doggie playtime session somewhere in NAC. We also have an SMS (Messenger) Group with chatter, tips and info on bulk pet food.

CURRENT PRICE LIST (as at Sept 2019) 100% preservative-free

  • Lean (racing) mince                            $3.60 per kg
  • Roo mince                                           $4.00 per kg
  • Semi Lean (spelling) mince                 $3.20 per kg
  • Puppy mince                                        $2.40 per kg
  • Mutton chunks (on the bone)               $2.50 per kg
  • Bones (roo) incl. tails                           $2.20 per kg
  • Bones (necks, shins, ribs, knuckles)    $1.60 per kg
  • Bones (brisket)                                     $2.00 per kg
  • Fat                                                        $1.20 per kg
  • Kennel Mix (trim)                                  $1.50 per kg
  • Offal (hearts, livers, kidneys, tongues) $2.00 per kg
  • Tripe (green - washed / Pancreas)       $3.00 per kg

** 50 cents surcharge, per bag, on any bag less than 5kg **

Kankool Pet Foods Pty Ltd - 12 Chilcotts Creek Road, Willow Tree, NSW 2339 (Tel: 02-6747 1336 - ABN: 87458193440) delivered fortnightly to NAC.

For further info please contact: Loal Conroy 0414 322 948

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