A Caring Cove

By Ivana Agapiou, 14 April, 2020

This week’s lengthy article on being filmed has got me thinking about these challenging times  and how it can bring out the best or the worst in human behaviour  ... I’d like to say that as a fairly new resident the following kind gestures have been our experience in the Cove...

  • Close neighbours bring us home made pickles / jams/eggs  
  • We share any extra fruit and veges with them - it’s often an exchange / a barter and all in good spirits
  • Our neighbours are aware of our medical emergencies ( prior to the virus) and are always enquiring as to our health and well-being
  • Offers to mow our lawn 
  • Offers to shop on our behalf
  • Offers and accepted help to transport to medical appointments 
  • One community garden volunteer dropped off fresh greens and veges to our door 
  • Local fisherman, John, offers me a free bounty of blue water swimmer crabs

That’s only a snapshot of the kindness and concern that’s  demonstrated daily in the Cove - we are delighted to live here surrounded by such generosity.

Forget the surveillance cameras - forget the scare tactics of a few - focus on the good majority who want the best outcome for everyone - Most of all, practice social distancing and remain at home unless it’s totally necessary. 

Meanwhile, I encourage you all to find good news stories to share - 



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