Clean Up (Australia) North Arm Cove.....

By mareli121, 11 January, 2022

Hello everyone,

Normally I would be promoting our usual efforts towards Clean Up for 2022 on Sunday, 6th of March, starting at the Community Centre at 8:00am and finishing at 10am. As those of you who know me are aware, my partner is requiring on going medical treatment with this progression culminating, as it turns out, in an operation to be performed around the the time the Clean Up. 

So I won't be able to run the show on the required date...I have two options- cancel the Clean Up for this year only, or find find someone keen to take over on the day for me. I much prefer the latter option, so I am seeking a volunteer(s) to handle the Clean Up day on the 6th of March to act on my behalf, as coordinator.    

  • The usual tasks of the coordinator would be to set up road signage the previous day warning drivers of volunteers on local roads.
  • Front up earlier on the at the Community Centre with supplied hi vis, forms, bags, gloves etc.
  • Sign in volunteers, direct volunteers to various locations while assessing the available vehicles/trailers and directing the latter to support volunteers.
  • The coordinator waits at the Community Centre to intercept and unload trailers, coordinate with volunteers for extra equipment or relocation.
  • Often a cup of tea at 10:00am finishing has been provided.
  • The coordinator effusively thanks volunteers and packs up.
  • It takes about 3-4 hours and I can do the admin part of ther task. The event is run regardless of rain, within reason.  

I would giving the required Clean Up Aust gear to the temporary coordinator, and submit the necessary paperwork after the event to Clean Up Australia. 


Please email me ASAP - - if you could help me out this year only, and I will help you all I can to run this always successful and fun event. We can determine where the rubbish is closer to the time. 

Also - IN GENERAL - if anyone in the community becomes aware of rubbish around NAC, do let me know. Some volunteers prefer to clean up on the previous Saturday, but considering the circumstances, this won't be an option this year. I intend to be there for Clean Up next time around....

Assuming that we don't cancel....We do require a big turnout this year, it is a rewarding a somewhat 2 hours and if you haven't done this before - it is a great way to meet North Arm Covians. 

Robert van Zandvliet (usual coordinator)


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